Welcome to GAC Laser South Africa

Corporate Social Investment

The Laser Group and its operating divisions has a long history of community involvement and we remain committed to good corporate citizenship. One of our key focus area’s in our CSR strategy is youth development and education, although we have supported a number of other projects as well. 

Our support has included amongst others: the Santa Shoebox Project as their long-term logistics partner, Smartbucks – a financial literacy programme for disadvantaged high school learners, Move-It Matters – increasing access to sport and improving gross motor skills in previously disadvantaged schools, Wildlands Conservation Trust – partnering with rural communities to support sustainable living and the development of green economies in these communities, Youth Development Programme in association with Paramount Group – aiding career development as well as squash development clinics run by our Laser Ambassadors (three of South Africa’s top ranking squash players – Siyoli Waters, Steve Coppinger and Alex Fuller).

The Laser Group entrenches a culture of social responsibility amongst its employees and we are extremely proud of our staff – both for what they have helped us to achieve and for what many of them have achieved in their own communities in their own right.

Our CSR activities will always be guided by good corporate governance and practices.

How can we help?

Send us an enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Emergency Hotline: 0800 029 999
WhatsApp Support Line: 0600 123456